Gasoline-95 and Gasoline-98: Which is Better?

Gasoline-95 and Gasoline-98: Which is Better?

It has long been no secret that modern engines are too fragile. Although manufacturers assure us in the opposite. And it turns out that you buy an “iron horse”, which should serve faithfully for many years, but in 3-5 years it begins to fall to pieces.

What could be the problem? Could it be that the parts were not of the highest quality? Or maybe the oil wasn’t right? Exactly, the employees of the service station, where you had your last service, are to blame! After all, they deliberately tightened up something for you to come for repair sooner…

Or maybe it’s all your fault? For example, did you fill up with the wrong gasoline? You always fill up with 95, but a couple of times you decided to fill up with 98? Maybe you wanted to save money or “clean the engine”?

What is the difference between gasoline-98 and gasoline-95?

In fact, there is only one difference – the octane number. All detergent properties, evaporability and fluidity are about the same.

Just do not happily pour into your car, where the gas tank hatch unequivocally states “Only 98RON”, gasoline-95, motivating this action by the logic “if you do not see the difference, why pay more?” The difference is apparent.

If your engine starts to go haywire, high-octane gasoline won’t help you, alas. But a complex cleaning will. Therefore, in order not to spoil your own car, fill it exactly with the kind of fuel that your car needs. The desire to save money will lead only to additional expenses.

No, at first your car will drive fine, but over time its engine will get so clogged up that you’ll have to replace it. Well, you don’t need it, do you? Believe me, manufacturers don’t design new engines to bankrupt you. They create them for your comfort.

The key to a long life of your vehicle is regular maintenance, gasoline designed specifically for your car brand and quality fuel. A huge number of illegal gas stations have appeared in Ukraine in recent years, which makes gasoline artificially. So, it is better to buy gasoline at proven gas stations, which have all the necessary certificates of quality. And big networks of gas stations are the best for this purpose.